Books by Terry Modica

Terry Modica - author

Inspiring. Faith-building. Healing.

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Currently available books:

  • My Soul Shall Be Healed - book by Terry ModicaMy Soul Shall Be Healed
    Easy-to-use study guide of Pope Saint John Paul II’s encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist). Published as a workbook, it’s ideal for group discussions. Enter more fully into the mystery of the Eucharist and deepen your intimacy with Christ while enriching your celebration of Holy Mass.

    Coming soon: copies autographed by the author Terry Modica wherever shipping from Florida is not a crazy-high cost.

  • The Father’s Heart (Meet the Real Abba Father)

    10 Spiritual Exercises to Heal from the Wounds of the Heart: Heal your father wounds through the love of Father God. What are you seeking from God your Father? How close do you feel to the Father’s heart? Do you know that, if what you want is good and God doesn’t have a better plan, you already have what you seek? It often takes time for it to be revealed and understood, but God has already granted it because he loves you far more than you realize.

    Coming soon: copies autographed by the author Terry Modica wherever shipping from Florida is not a crazy-high cost.

  • Healing in Christ’s Passionate LoveHealing in Christ’s Passionate Love
    Christ’s passion for you comes alive in this PDF ebook that provides healing and recovery from the hurts and sufferings of your life. It’s a self-paced retreat tailored to your own needs. Read and download the articles individually online or download the free compiled PDF ebook.

  • Path to Healing in Difficult RelationshipsThe Path to Healing in Difficult Relationships
    A collection of 20 of Terry Modica’s reflections in a PDF ebook. Includes: Ready to Call It Quits, The True Meaning of “Blessed Are the Meek”, The Justice Side of Love, The Victorious Gift of Mercy, Finding Real Love, and more.

  • Sermon on the MountHoly Living: A Bible Study of the Sermon on the Mount
    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught us how to enter into a life of holiness so that we could receive the full love of God and give it to others. All of His teachings about holy living are summed up in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. Study this invaluable “seminar” of Jesus to transform your life and become an evangelizer by more completely living the love of God — online or download the PDF ebook.

  • Lessons from the Blessed MotherLessons from the Blessed Mother

    Download this illustrated ebook of reflections (26pp) by Terry Modica. Included are: How I met the Blessed Mother, Common Questions about Mary, Living by the Grace of God, Saying Yes to God, and more.

  • Saint Joseph Consecration Novena9-Day Consecration to St. Joseph
    With this consecration, we seal ourselves as his children. We place into his fatherly protection ourselves, our families, our jobs and ministries, and the Church. We also consecrate to his fatherhood those who are not following Christ. Each day of this Saint Joseph consecration contains a brief story about various apparitions of St. Joseph, with special prayers.

  • ForgivenFORGIVEN: A Meditation on the Passion of Christ
    Written with a powerfully life-changing twist, this is not the usual Passion story. “Forgiven” shows the passion of Christ as seen through the eyes of Peter and Judas. Each react in different ways to the final days and crucifixion of Jesus. One chooses forgiveness and the other ends his life in terrible guilt. Download the 16-page PDF ebook. Use it as a meditation on the Passion of Christ or as a skit for a unique Passion Play.

  • Knowing God’s Will and Doing it WellKnowing God’s Will and Doing it Well
    How do you know what God’s will is for your life? Do you know your calling? God has gifted you and has a desire to use your experiences and skills to help make the world a better place and to advance the purposes of his kingdom. Whether it’s in ministry or a secular job, God has a divine plan for you!

  • The Trail of RosesThe Trail of Roses: A Lenten Journey

    With this little book of meditations you can give Jesus a gift of yourself every day for 40 days. Your daily gifts will be like roses you’re strewing upon the path of his journey to Calvary. Download the PDF ebook.

  • Radical Love: Reflections for CouplesRADICAL LOVE: Reflections for Couples
    PDF ebook contains 215 short inspirational messages that bring God’s radical love into the context of romantic relationships. Two reflection questions at the end of each message will help you apply the messages to your everyday life and challenges.

  • Victor: A Supernatural ThrillerVictor: The Novel
    A suspense-filled Christian novel about the anti-Christ and the saving power of love. This story will affirm your faith in Christ’s victorious power. A reader named Jan said: “This book was so captivating. I couldn’t put it down. It was so well written. There were twists and turns in every chapter. I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. I recommend this book for a great entertaining read, as well as to learn more about faith.”

  • How to Win Victories in Spiritual WarfareHow to Win Victories in Spiritual Warfare
    Download a collection of Catholic prayers and scriptures for today’s spiritual warfare battles and for everyday protection. Plus more than 200 scriptures to learn from! Most of these prayers can be found on and downloaded from the Prayer Room on our website @

  • Dark Secret of the OuijaDark Secret of the Ouija
    Fictional novelette for children and teens. Does the Ouija really have powers? Does it really know the secrets of the past? The future? Can the Ouija make things happen? Discover the truth that finally sets Jenny free! Find out more and download the PDF ebook.

  • Living in God's Abundance photobookLiving in God’s Abundance
    Want to live in God’s abundance? Download this PDF ebook of photos and reflections today. 12 inspiring reflections beautifully illustrated.

  • Mountaintop Experiences photobookMountaintop Experiences
    Want to have mountaintop experiences with God? Download this PDF ebook of photos and reflections. 11 inspiring reflections beautifully illustrated.

The Author’s Story

Terry Modica converted to Catholicism in 1977, drawn by the Eucharist after losing faith in Christ by getting involved in the occult. She studied Church teachings in order to understand the truth. Always involved in her parishes, she gained a reputation for inspirational teaching and spiritual leadership in Adult Religious Education, prayer groups, Parish Council, Small Christian Community development, RCIA director, and a variety of other parish ministries. She has a degree in Theology, and has been certified by two lay ministry institutes.

Terry Modica became a magazine author in 1982. Her first book, Overcoming the Power of the Occult, was published in 1989.

Terry Modica, authorShe began writing the popular daily Good News Reflections in 1999. She has also written home study courses, WordBytes (faith-building articles), books, and countless booklets and pamphlets.

Terry Modica has been a guest on Catholic radio and Christian TV shows. She has taught workshops and directed retreats since 1989. See her online video courses for our Paracletia ministry.

She is Executive Director of Good New Ministries (, which she co-founded with her late husband Ralph in 1995. Vetted by her bishop, the ministry has become international, building the faith of Catholics through several websites. She is the author of the popular daily Good News Reflections ( and has been giving courses, seminars, retreats, and workshops since 1989.

Terry works tirelessly in adult faith formation. She helps people reach a better understanding of God’s love and to apply Biblical principles and Catholic teachings to everyday life. She empowers people to evangelize by imitating Christ in the way they live, relying on the Holy Spirit, trusting in the Father’s love, becoming educated in the faith, praying well, and sharing their testimonies.

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Books on Amazon: Click here for US orders, or search for “Terry Modica” in your country.

Terry Modica converted to the Roman Catholic Church in 1977, drawn in by the Eucharist, and she has been studying Catholic teachings ever since. She has a Degree in Theology (B.Th.) and she has been certified by the Diocese of Trenton in Pastoral Administration (1992) and by the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute of the Diocese of St. Petersburg (2003).

Active in ministry from the start, she has served the Church in a wide variety of parish and diocesan ministries, including as staff writer for a diocesan newspaper. She has worked as RCIA Director, Evangelization Coordinator, Coordinator of Adult Religious Education and developer of Small Christian Communities (in some cases pioneering it as a new program of the parish).

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Kristine Eva Fritz
Kristine Eva Fritz
April 25, 2023 1:52 am

Hi Terry, I live in Australia, and this email is re your history of Occult involvement,
My Granddaughter has moved into my house, she is 19. The stepfather was not supportive I believe, which I assume led to her becoming involved in some ‘spiritual’ activity, She has a statue of Baphomet, and numerous books on dark things, such things as ‘casting spells.’
She is a lovely girl, but I am keen to know how to set her free. I have Holy water and prayers, Rosary, and Spiritual warfare prayers. I feel I am meant to show her love and support, any ideas on where I should go with this situation?